Berkeley Vale Junior Touch would like to invite NSWTA Affiliates to attend the 10th Annual Central Coast Junior Touch Championships, to be held at Adcock Park, Gosford on Sunday 20th December 2015.

The Central Coast Junior Touch Championships is now in its 10th year and with 140 teams nominating in 2014 the numbers of teams attending & growing each year it proves of the success it has been. It was designed for junior representative teams to take part in a one day round robin friendly competition with other clubs from around and within the Central Coast area. Teams from Ryde Eastwood, Manly, Parramatta, Blue Mountains, Newcastle, Wallsend,Nelson Bay, Singleton, Scone, Beresfield, Bankstown, Hills Hornets, Wests and Muswellbrook all attended last year as well as Doyalson/Northen Lakes, Peninsula, Dolphins and Berkeley Vale.

After the round Robin series teams the top teams in each pool will play in semi finals and or a final with medallions handed out to the winners as well as a Club Championship Trophy awarded to the most successful Club on the Day.

This year all age groups will be limited to a maximum of 16 teams only so to secure your spot you need to email in your nomination form and direct deposit your fee into our account. Your team will only be accepted on confirmation of payment into our account.  We had a total of 18 clubs participate last year so make sure you get in early to avoid disappointment of missing out in playing in this great tournament!

Please Note that like last year Only 1 team per age group per club unless there is less then 16 teams in that age group. This is to allow more affiliates to get involved. This is the first email being sent to those who participated last year so don’t delay in getting your nomination in and pay your fee to secure your spot. If we take more than 16 teams per age group then we will need to play it over two days.


WHEN             –           Sunday 20th December 2015

WHERE           –           Adcock Park, Gosford

TIME                –           8am till late afternoon (depending on team numbers)

COST              –           $100 per team (increase due to council fees)

FORMAT        –          Round Robin between attending clubs plus Finals

All affiliates are invited to send their junior representative squads with up to a maximum of 20 players to register per team with only a maximum of 14 players allowed to play each game. Affiliates are reminded that they can only initially nominate one team per age group. A second team in any age group from an affiliate will only be accepted if there are not a total of 16 teams or if it helps the draw by eliminating a bye. All Berkeley Vale Junior Touch rep teams will be there and ready to get some much needed match practice in before the Peter Wilson Memorial Champs (Junior Regionals) & Junior State Cup!


Any affiliate having teams attend will be covered by insurance so long as their (players) are financial with your club, and registered within your rep sides.

Each team will be required to supply at least 1 referee per team to assist with games during the day. Lunch will be supplied for all participating referees but payment will be up to the discretion of each affiliate to arrange.

Attached is the nomination form. Please fill this out and return it and then follow this up with your payment via direct deposit to the account details on the nomination form followed up with an email that you have paid your fee. I will then check the account and then reply to confirm your spot in the competition. Also please make sure you have a nominated referee for each team to help with the smooth running and success of this tournament. I will need a name, age, level & shirt size for each person. This needs to be sent in by Friday 4th December to allow time for shirts to be printed.

For more information please contact Berkeley Vale Touch Association at [email protected]

2015 Central Coast Championships Nomination Form

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