It is with sadness that we advise the passing of Liz Jeffs a long-time administrator at both affiliate and regional levels in the early years of our sport.

Liz spent 13 consecutive years guiding and running the ‘old’ Region 5, or Hunter Region as it was known. The forerunner for Hunter Western Hornets Region.

Liz was the inaugural Regional Director of Region 5 in 1984. She spent three years in the chair before continuing her guidance for the next three years as the Regional Administrator before taking on the Director’s role again in 1990. A position in which she remained for the next four years. In 1994 as part of transitioning to a new Director and to aid the Region to continue to be successfully run, Liz once again took on the Administrator role. She remained steadfast in her position for the Region until 1997.

Liz was an early pioneer in our sport for female leadership and administration. Her involvement reached back as far as being the first Secretary of the strong Newcastle City Touch Association.

Liz also managed the NSW Women’s Open team at the 1986 National Championships as well as the NSW Women’s 27s at the 1993 Championships.

Liz Jeffs was a woman respected not only by her peers but also by the whole touch community. She dedicated many years of her life to the game, ensuring that opportunities at all levels prevailed for the enjoyment of others. A selfless woman, we do not doubt that she would have taken great pleasure watching her family partake in the sport, and would have been filled with pride seeing her granddaughter, Rachael, represent both NSW and Australia.

Our thoughts and condolences are with Jeff’s family at this time. Vale Liz Jeffs.

Liz’s Funeral will be held on Tuesday 14th June at 12.30 pm at Pettigrews Funeral Service Belmont

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