Hall of Fame Inductees

It is with great pleasure the NSW Touch Association announce that in 2015 Tony Trad and Adam Foley have been inducted into the New South Wales Touch Association Hall of Fame as its 25th and 26th members respectively.

Both have demonstrated an elevated level dedicated service and performance to the sport at the highest peaks. Both are held in the highest regard and esteem as the best in their field. Importantly both have clearly demonstrated the character traits required to be member of this exclusive group. No one would argue that both Tony and Adam are viewed not only as a valuable members of the Touch Footballing community, but also as pillars of the game. Their contribution and standards they have set in the sport of Touch Football has left an indelible mark for others to attempt to emulate.

The NSWTA, when viewing these nominations, considered the length and breadth of the contributions Tony and Adam have made at highest levels of the sport. From State, National and International level their contributions have been significant. It is not lost on the NSWTA when considering both gentleman’s induction, that Hall Of Fame is the highest honour that a Coach and Referee in our sport can be awarded and with that notion the NSWTA accepts Tony Trad and Adam Foley into the ranks of the NSWTA Hall of Fame. A club that in our 43 year history has now 26 members.

We will be inducting Tony and Adam at the NSWTA Blues Dinner on Saturday the 17th October . The night recognises all levels of contribution and success across the sport and is a fitting setting for such a great achievement. If you would like to attend the evening which will be held at the Gala Ball Room of the Bankstown Sports Club, Mona Street Bankstown you can do so by purchasing tickets https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2015-nswta-blues-dinner-tickets-18426484110 prior to 5pm on Friday October 9th. Tickets cost $80 per person.

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