Life Membership Nominations Now Open

In accordance with Clause 7.3 of the NSWTA Constitution, we are pleased to announce that nominations
for Life Membership of the NSWTA is now open.

The nomination period will close on August 28, 2024.

Life Membership represents the highest honour the NSWTA can bestow upon a volunteer or
administrator. It is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated distinguished, meritorious, or
exceptional service to the organisation.

For the NSWTA the primary criteria for Life Membership are length of service and continuous
distinguished or meritorious service at the state level. All are key factors in evaluating nominations.

We also recognise that individuals may contribute in multiple roles or functions at the state level, and this
diversity of service can be considered. Additionally, those who hold roles with limited tenure but deliver
exceptional meritorious service during their term may also be eligible. In such cases, other relevant
criteria will be used to assess whether the nominee deserves Life Membership, focusing on the quality
of their service.

Life Membership will be conferred only upon those whose service has been in areas such as
administration, volunteerism, or the state technical panels within the NSWTA. Contributions through
playing, coaching, or refereeing are recognised through the NSWTA Hall of Fame and are only considered
for Life Membership if they meet the specific criteria for this award.

To nominate a suitable candidate for consideration by the nomination committee and view the criteria,
click here.

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