NSW Touch Board Update

Dear NSWTA Members,

I hope this message finds you well. We have several important updates regarding changes at the NSWTA Board level that we wish to share with you.

Firstly, after a decade of exceptional service, Chairperson Mark Hearnden has announced that he will not seek re-election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM). Mark joined the board in 2015 and was elected Chairperson in 2020. His calm and thoughtful leadership has been a cornerstone of our organisation, guiding us through various challenges and contributing significantly to our success. We are deeply grateful for his dedicated service and the steady hand he has provided over the years.

In addition to Mark’s announcement, Ian Matthew has stepped down from his role as Technical Director, effective immediately. Ian has served on the NSWTA Board with immense dedication for 26 years, making invaluable contributions, particularly in the areas of referees and the guidance he has provided to the selecting and coaching portfolios. His expertise and commitment have significantly shaped our technical direction and standards. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Ian for his remarkable service and the lasting impact he has made. He will remain as the NSWTA Referees Director, and the position of Interested Director (Technical) will remain vacant until the November AGM.

Following Mark Hearnden’s announcement, the board elected Anthony Dudeck as the new Chairperson during its meeting on August 8th, with the change taking effect immediately. We are confident that Anthony’s leadership will guide NSWTA toward continued success.

The November AGM will present an opportunity for elections to fill three positions:

  • Interested Director (Country)
  • Interested Director (Technical)
  • Interested Director

We encourage all members to participate in the upcoming elections and contribute to shaping our organisation’s future leadership. Further information will be shared in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your attention to these updates and ongoing support of the NSWTA.

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