JSC Southern Conference

We hope you and your teams are excited for this weekends event on fields which I am told are in very good shape.

Just a quote update on some points to note:

2021 Dates

A reminder that the Junior State Cup always commences on the 3rd Friday of February. As such the dates that were locked in back in 2018 at both venues are:-

• Northern Conference February 19-21, 2021
• Southern Conference February 26-28, 2021

NSW Office of Sport Photography Request.

The Office of Sport is in the process of developing a Reconciliation Action Plan under the Reconciliation Australia guidelines.

They would like to include a wide range of action images across sports, from the community through to elite, and have approached us to assist by providing some images from your our JSC’s.

In our particular case they are seeking images of Aboriginal athletes, teams and fans in any of the below areas:
• Participants /athletes in action from the community to elite competitions
• Individual sports and team sports
• Coaches and officials

We would ask if you could identify – by team and number- for us any indigenous athletes and/or team management participating this weekend for your Affiliate. Also, please approach these athletes and/or team management to advise of the project and advise us if they have any objection to being photographed for this purpose. We note that in the registration process the participants all give us permission to use their image for promotional purposes. However, if you specifically advise that they do not wish for their image to be provided in this instance we will certainly honour this.

Please forward responses to Kylie Hearne on [email protected]


Please request all team management and players to check their playing footwear to ensure that any sharp edges that may have developed over time from walking on hard surfaces are blunted prior to taking the playing field.

Parental Behaviour

Please remind all parents that the NSWTA is an active participant in the SHOOSH FOR KIDS Campaign. Shoosh for Kids is the Office of Sport’s program which involves peak sporting bodies working alongside clubs and associations to promote positive behaviour to members, including parents and spectators. Shoosh for Kids is one of the more important campaigns that all affiliates should be a part of. Children playing sport is sewn into the fabric of the Australian DNA, but we need to ensure that our kids are having fun while being active. Parents and spectators play an essential role in this by recognising and setting the example of the importance of positive sideline behaviour at games. We fully support this notion and its why NSW Touch signed up to the campaign.

Under the Representative Player Parent Policy, by registering their child in an NSWTA event parents have acknowledged that they will maintain respectful behavior at all times. Also that they are bound by both the TFA and NSWTA Code of Conduct, the NSWTA Disciplinary Policy and the Disciplinary Regulations. As such for any breaches they are liable to the penalties and sanctions available to the NSWTA via the Constitution, the NSWTA Disciplinary Policy and the Disciplinary Regulations.

This includes but not limited to the NSWTA dealing with parent, their child’s team and/or child’s club by having the power to suspend, disqualify, reprimand, fine, bond, ban, deduct competition points or otherwise deal with any person involved with Touch Football (including, but not limited to, teams, clubs, players, coaches, spectators, team/club officials and association officials) in accordance with the Disciplinary Regulations, regarding any incident arising from an activity conducted by a TFA Authority. The incident may have occurred before, during or after the conduct of the activity, within the confines of the field, activity or venue or its immediate surrounds, or elsewhere if directly related to a Touch Football activity of any sort.

Please remind parents and spectators that even though a competitive representative event, the following will always apply: –

• These are kids
• This is a game
• Coaches/Managers are volunteers
• Referees are Human and are to be respected at all times
• This is not the World Cup

Please remind parents that in the instance where a parent/spectator has been found to have breached the code of conduct, that parent will be automatically barred from all venues of that event for the remainder of the competition. Failure to observe this action will result in the NSWTA take the unfortunate step of deregistering their child.

Social Media or Messaging Groups

There have been a couple of matters come to our attention in relation to teams and team management using Social Media and or Apps as a communication tool for their team. The rationale behind this is solid. However, as teams are all underage players there is a strict protocol to be followed. If you have team management using these tools then as the players are underage, parents or a child’s legal guardian MUST be included in the groups. Please pass on this message to all your team managements and ensure that this is being followed. If not then the team management must cease to use them.

Travel safe and we all look forward to seeing you in Wagga later this week.

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