
Mark Hearnden

Bardwell Park, NSW 2207
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 9558 9333
Fax: (02) 9558 8799

An experienced operational executive who has held senior management positions across financial services, banking, and healthcare services sectors. Mark has extensive experience in operational and contract management, commercial lending and has also held senior roles in compliance and risk management.

Drawing on over 35 years of involvement in the game of touch as a player, coach, referee, selector, parent, and fan, Mark brings to the Board a passion for the sport, experience as a participant, and considerable business acumen.

“I believe that the sport is at a critically pivotal point in its history. I hope to contribute to its success by providing a meaningful contribution at the Board level, drawing on both my experience in business and in the game itself which has been an enormous part of my life.”

interested director

Anthony Dudeck

Bardwell Park, NSW 2207
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 9558 9333
Fax: (02) 9558 8799

Bardwell Park, NSW 2207
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 9558 9333
Fax: (02) 9558 8799

Anthony Dudeck is an accomplished regional leader and touch football enthusiast who brings a fresh perspective and valuable insights to the board. His commitment to promoting inclusivity and excellence aligns with the NSWTA’s core values. He is an experienced technology professional with a track record of delivering value-added solutions to leading global financial organisations for over 25 years. 

Some of these organisations include Credit Suisse First Boston, JP Morgan, Westpac, Mercer and Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a major in Marketing and a sub-major in Computing and Information Systems from the University of Western Sydney. Additionally, he is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

interested director Country

Nicole Grose

Bardwell Park, NSW 2207
Email: [email protected] 
Telephone: (02) 9558 9333
Fax: (02) 9558 8799

Nicole brings a wealth of experience and passion for touch football to her new role. With an extensive affiliate administration background, experience as a player and a coach at the highest level, and a deep commitment to community engagement, Nic is well-equipped to understand and address the needs of touch associations and members in rural areas.

interested director with finance

Paul MacPherson

Bardwell Park, NSW 2207
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 9558 9333
Fax: (02) 9558 8799

Paul MacPherson is a seasoned financial professional with great experience over a 33-year career as a chartered accountant and grassroots touch football administration with Manly Warringah TA as Treasurer. With his extensive knowledge and dedication to the sport, as well as his professional business acumen, he is poised to make significant contributions to the NSWTA’s strategic vision and mission. 

Paul is a current NSW and Australian player and has coached at club and regional level in junior and senior competitions. He has worked for listed companies and his recent roles have been as a Chief Financial Officer for private property groups and included preparing Board papers, presenting to the Board and running the agenda for Board meetings. He has also served as a Company Secretary and has a good understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a director.

interested director with technical

Ian Matthew

Bardwell Park, NSW 2207
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 9558 9333
Fax: (02) 9558 8799

My background in the sport comes from around about 40 years of involvement. I have been a player, a coach, a referee and referee coach. I was the Director of Referees for Region 7 and moved on to being the Director of Referees for NSWTA a position I have held for about 23 years and am really still loving every minute of it.
I have also been a Board member for about 15 years (I think) and been at the coal face of the sport in this state as it has gone through many and varying changes.

Working on and with the Board has been and still is a great experience. Being a part of the direction of the sport holistically and seeing areas that have been planned come to fruition. Through the technical section, I am working to ensure that NSWTA is the leader in the sport in all technical areas and has an ongoing succession plan so that this state challenges through every facet.

Independent Director

Liz Jackson

Bardwell Park, NSW 2207
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 9558 9333
Fax: (02) 9558 8799

Liz has a Masters’s Degree in education and is currently studying for her Ph.D. She is leading Global Capabilities – Education and Research for Sydney Catholic Schools, and in 2020 was rewarded with a global WISE Emerging Leaders Fellowship, the first Australian to receive the award.

Liz’s expertise extends in and beyond school in the design and delivery of innovative education initiatives. Liz is passionate about entrepreneurship education and promoting lifelong learning, emphasising the value of growth, relationships, and impact on self and others. She has strong views on the benefits of partnerships and how these can be beneficial in all facets of the community, including the NSWTA.

Independent Director

Sharnie Ramunno

Bardwell Park, NSW 2207
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 9558 9333
Fax: (02) 9558 8799

Sharnie is an experienced financial services executive. She has worked in the superannuation industry for over 20 years gaining experience in delivering member outcomes, project management and implementing various business strategies.  Sharnie’s passion for touch football can be traced back to playing at the age of 10.

Sharnie has also held several roles in touch football over the years from being president at her local club to coaching at various levels.