Coolah Veterans Carnival

Coolah Touch Association will be holding their annual Veterans carnival which is now in its 23rd year! From the outset this event has proved to be an outstanding success by attracting teams from all over NSW.

A key component of that success is due  to the small town atmosphere that includes support from many local groups and businesses for the event to succeed.

The entertainment on Saturday night provides a welcome balance to the competitive games played over the two days. All teams are assured of 3 games on the Saturday and a minimum of 2 games on Sunday.

The teams will be graded after the round robin style competition on the Saturday and then will play-off on the Sunday for prizes in each division. All division winners will receive T-shirts while the top division winners play off for cash prizes.

Held at Coolah’s Bowen Oval, the venue is situated just off the main street and has full public amenities, along with hot showers. Permission has been granted by the Warrumbungle Shire Council to allow players to camp adjacent to the playing fields. We are most fortunate to receive the services of the Coolah Lion’s Club to provide hot food throughout the weekend and breakfast will be available on Sunday morning. A canteen will run to provide sandwiches, soft drinks, tea/coffee, chips, chocolates etc.

Entertainment activities have been arranged for the Saturday night of the Touch carnival at the Coolah Sporting Club (at Bowen Oval), Coolah Valley Hotel and the Black Stump Inn. The dress up theme for this year’s event is “Circus”. Coolah touch Association are encouraging teams to dress for the Saturday night activities. The Sporting Club will also be handing out Best Dressed prizes.

For more information about this great event please use the links below;

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