JSC Northern Conference

The last 24 hours across NSW and especially the coastal area certainly has been interesting, and I am sure with rain unseen since 1992 impacting the state.

To update everyone, yesterday Port Macquarie received 142mm in a short period of time which did result in areas of the venue flooding. In a conversation this morning with the ground staff they advised that a majority of that water had subsided.

The forecast while for more rain is not anywhere in the vicinity of the deluge it received on the weekend, ground staff advised this morning they felt given what is on the horizon the event could get through, albeit we may have field impacts.

We will also monitor high tides that may impact via the creek given the amount of water that fell in the area on the weekend.

Conditions are obviously wet at the moment.

Forecasts indicate chances of rain throughout out the week with the most substantial falls due Wednesday. This is predicted at 70% chance and between 8 to 20mm. The current forecast for Friday through Sunday shows the possibility of 0-8mm.

Just as note, it currently has not rained in Port since 5 pm yesterday.

The NSW Touch Staff are currently in Port Macquarie and they will assess the field conditions first hand and discuss with the local experts and ground staff.

When we have further detail, we will advise accordingly.

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