Nicole Grose appointed Director Country by NSWTA Board

The Board of the New South Wales Touch Association (NSWTA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Nicole Grose from Dubbo Touch Association to the role of Director Country, filling a casual vacancy.

Nic brings a wealth of experience and passion for touch football to her new role. With an extensive affiliate administration background, experience as a player and a coach at the highest level, and a deep commitment to community engagement, Nic is well-equipped to understand and address the needs of touch associations and members in rural areas. Her appointment signifies a significant step forward in the NSWTA’s mission of fostering growth and development in touch football across the state.

NSWTA Chairperson Mark Hearnden expressed his enthusiasm about Nic’s appointment: “I’m excited to welcome Nicole onto the Board of the NSWTA. Nicole has established credentials and considerable experience in various volunteer roles with the Dubbo Touch Association, where Nicole currently serves as President. With this appointment, we increase the representation of NSWTA Board members residing outside of Sydney to three out of seven, with the role of Director Country having the dedicated responsibility to represent our country membership.” 

In her role as Director Country, Nic will collaborate with the Board across all aspects of governance, strategy, policy, and fiscal management. Her focus will also be on championing the interests of touch associations in rural areas, advocating for their needs within the NSWTA, and driving initiatives to bolster the growth and development of touch football across regional communities.

On being advised of the appointment, Nic stated, “I’m thrilled for the chance to contribute to the NSWTA Board, representing our country affiliates and shaping the future of our sport. I look forward to collaborating with the current board members and staff and connecting with affiliates and regions across NSW.  I’m passionate about touch football at all levels, from grassroots to elite levels, and I’m committed to fostering its accessibility and growth for everyone.” 

Nic’s appointment fills the casual vacancy and is effective immediately. She will serve in this capacity until the next NSWTA AGM, at which point the role will once again be open for nomination.

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