Sky is the limit for Powyer

Jonathon Powyer is a high achieving referee with a difference. Jonathon is deaf but this hasn’t stopped him from achieving incredible things in Touch Football. On the weekend at the New South Wales Touch Association Referees Awards night, Jonathon was recognised with an elevation to a state referee, Level 4, currently the highest level a deaf referee has achieved in New South Wales, his next goal will be his Level 5 at Nationals

Johnathon is a committee member and one of the driving forces behind Deaf Touch Football, also managing to officiate and play at the Deaf National Championships. The Deaf National Championships is now an annual event with third event being held in Brisbane late last year.

Johnathon’s passion for Touch Football has seen him travel around the country, refereeing the sport he loves. With an innate ability to read the game Jonathon’s rise in the refereeing stakes shows no sign of slowing.

New South Wales Touch Association congratulates Jonathon on his achievement and thank him for his contribution to the game.

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