New South Wales Touch Football and Touch Football Australia are thrilled to partner with the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) to build on the linkages that it has with NSW schools.
In May 2014, the Australian Government announced that it would be providing $100 million for the Sporting Schools Program. The aim of the Sporting Schools Program is to provide the opportunity for schools to run sporting activities and help get students more physically active.
The Sporting Schools Program is open to all of the 5,000 plus primary schools across Australia. The program aims to have sporting programs delivered to more than 850,000 children in the school yard before, during and after school with the support of National Sporting Organisations.
The Sporting Schools Program officially released by the ASC in July with sporting programs set to commence in Terms three and four in 2015. In this period there will be in excess of 230 schools across Australia participating in Touch Football programs.
For more information regarding the Sporting Schools Program please visit or contact Touch Football Australia via [email protected]