On the weekend the amendment to the Public Health (COVID-19 General) Amendment Order (No 2) 2021 was been published. The amendment comes into effect as of today, Monday 18 October 2021. Below is an update as it relates to the sport and active recreation sector. Changes to gathering numbers    The following restrictions will apply for; fully […]

Community Sport Road Map Update

As advised in our State of Play meeting on Thursday 30 September, as clarity on Road Map issues is provided by Government, we will relay to the membership. In accordance with the NSW Government Public Health Orders, NSW Touch Association is now able to advise the conditions under which gatherings for sport or exercise – […]


NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING New South Wales Touch Association  ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING via ZOOM.  SATURDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2021  10.00am All reports, Notice of Motions, Special resolutions, Nominations for Board Positions and General Business items are to be forwarded to the General Manager by close of business Wednesday, October 20, 2021. Meeting papers will then be circulated by […]

2021 Vawdon Cup Update

As many of you are aware the Vawdon Cup start date was scheduled for August 20, 2021. The impact of the Public Health Orders and stay-at-home orders has meant the event has not been able to commence. Further to this most affiliates have provided advice that they have not had the opportunity to select and […]

2021 Country Champs Update

NSW Touch Association has made the difficult but responsible decision to cancel the 2021 Country Championships. As the COVID-19 situation remains across NSW, many of our regional affiliates remain in lockdown. While the government is looking to reduce restrictions at 70% double vaccination rates, no mention has been made of a return to community sport […]

General Managers Message COVID Update

The NSW Government made announcements relating to the stay-at-home orders lifting for some local government areas in regional NSW from 12:01 am Saturday 11 September, and the release of the roadmap outlining freedoms after NSW passes the 70 percent double vaccination target. We appreciate there will be many questions from the membership relating to these […]

NSW Awards and Boland and Smith Medal

For the second year, due to COVID-19 we were unable to hold the NSWTA Awards in our normal Gala Dinner setting. As such, we took the Awards digital. All the Winners were announced online during a live-stream hosted by SEN 1170 presenter and Touch Football’s favorite Joel Caine and NSW Touch General Manager Dean Russell. […]

COVID Impacts Update

We hope our community is keeping both safe and well during these difficult times, especially for our members subject to the current lockdown orders. As you would be aware, the COVID-19 situation has deteriorated. The Greater Sydney lockdown has been extended until September 30 and Regional NSW until September 10. Therefore, we want to take […]

Sports Super Sunday Vaccination Program

The New South Wales Touch Association along with all NSW State Sporting Organisations have partnered with NSW Health to promote and activate our communities to participate in the Vaccination Program. Sport Super Sunday is being held at vaccination centers for the twelve local government areas of concern this weekend to help Team NSW beat COVID-19. […]