Please note that the staff and ground manager have just completed a review of all fields. In our endeavors to play all 712 round games as per the schedule, we have used a number of fields to exhaustion and beyond. The event commenced with 28 fields, currently, we have lost 5 fields and by the […]

2020 JSC NTH DAY 1 7.00pm UPDATE

Firstly can we say thank you to the participants, referees, parents and affiliates for the patience and understanding all have shown over the course of today. It was obviously difficult conditions and uncomfortable for all (although it looked like the kids enjoyed it). Staff along with the head groundsman have completed an inspection of all […]


With the overnight rain, an early morning field inspection has occurred with ground staff. To give us the best chance to get all the games played and prolong field usage as deep as we can- all games will be reduced to 20min turnaround. There will still be five minutes between games. Today’s games will commence […]


As you would understand we have been monitoring the situation at Port Macquarie since the extreme weather event of last Sunday. On that day the venue received 144mm of rain in a short time. This did result in localised flooding. Monday morning, 95% of that had disappeared. No rainfall occurred at the venue from 5 […]

JSC Northern Conference

The last 24 hours across NSW and especially the coastal area certainly has been interesting, and I am sure with rain unseen since 1992 impacting the state. To update everyone, yesterday Port Macquarie received 142mm in a short period of time which did result in areas of the venue flooding. In a conversation this morning […]

2020 State of Origin Team Manager Applications Open

NSWTA is now calling for suitably qualified Team Managers to show an expression of interest for TEAM NSW in the 2020 State of Origin campaign. These positions will cover the 2020 State of Origin and lead into the campaign; including potential trials, camps & trainings. TEAM NSW: MANAGER POSITIONS Criteria for position – Knowledge of […]

NSW Dev Teams Applications OPEN

NSW Touch Football is now seeking expressions of interest for Team Management for their Development Teams.  These positions will cover the 2020 National Youth Championships in Kawana Queensland (Sept 16-19) and lead in campaign. Applications close 5pm Monday 24th February 2020. Please see below information pertaining to each of the positions advertised; TEAM NSW: COACH/ASSISTANT COACH […]

7th Edition to be used at 2020 JSC

  As most would be aware the 8th Edition rules are available to be used from January 1, 2020. So why is it that the NSWTA Junior State Cup Series will be played under the 7th Edition Rules? All correspondence from Touch Football Australia and forwarded by the NSWTA in relation to the 8th edition […]

NSW Touch partners with ISC

The New South Wales Touch Association (NSWTA) announced today a new partnership with ISC Sport to be the Offical Apparel Partner of the state peak body over the next two years. The partnership will see ISC as the leading brand representing the state body across all areas of the business. The deal takes in all […]

A State Cup that had everything

It was always going to be a State Cup like never before. With the on-going bushfire situation on the North Coast of NSW, the staff was well prepared knowing that extra care would be needed over the 3-day event. From delayed games, low air quality and dust storms came upsets, triumphs, and surprises galore. Hornsby […]